Shi huangdi was the first emperor
Publisher Information
Since its origins in 1890 as one of the three main divisions of the University of Chicago, The University of Chicago Press has embraced as its mission the obligation to disseminate scholarship of the highest standard and to publish serious works that promote education, foster public understanding, and enrich cultural life. Today, the Journals Division publishes more than 70 journals and hardcover serials, in a wide range of academic disciplines, including the social sciences, the humanities, education, the biological and medical sciences, and the physical sciences.
Explanation:Publisher Information
Since its origins in 1890 as one of the three main divisions of the University of Chicago, The University of Chicago Press has embraced as its mission the obligation to disseminate scholarship of the highest standard and to publish serious works that promote education, foster public understanding, and enrich cultural life. Today, the Journals Division publishes more than 70 journals and hardcover serials, in a wide range of academic disciplines, including the social sciences, the humanities, education, the biological and medical sciences, and the physical sciences.
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International human rights law aims primarily to protect individuals and groups from abusive action by states and state agents.1 Recent developments throughout the world, including failed states, economic deregulatio
a) it could be produced easily and quickly.
In the colonial times of the 17th century, tobacco was "a poor man´s crop" and sugar was " a rich man´s crop," and these were the two main crops in the English settlements in the West Indies. Tobacco was easy to plant, to cultivate and its processing was not complicated. It didn´t require a large labor force per acre.