I’m sorry but this type of question should be in your own words and experience. but for reference, try adding some goals you’d like to accomplish and think of how this specific school year will be different from the past ones like you’ll be able to join clubs or play sports etc.
a blacksmith
The imagery in the poem "The Tyger" are associated with the blacksmith's body and tools such as hand, shoulder, fire, hammer, anvil, clasp, spears, stars and water. The actions of heating, pounding, and force are all those of a blacksmith who transforms a simple metal into something of great worth and beauty.
The metaphor was used as the figurative language in the poem “Mother to Son”. She compared her life to a crystal staircase which has obstacles and unexpected corners that make the journey more difficult.“Mother to Son” poem Well, son, I'll tell you: Life for me ain't been no crystal stair. It's had tacks in it, And splinters, And boards torn up, And places with no carpet on the floor - Bare