A houseplant is usually small, and darkly colored, whereas an outdoor plant will usually have a brighter color and will more likely to grow in size. Most plants prefer a temperature of around 76-93 degrees Fahrenheit. Meaning if you like your house to be cool, your plants' growth could be stunted.
I believe you are referring to Nucleic acids.
- The american male BullDog can weigh up to 75-100 pounds while the female bulldog can weigh up too 60 to 80 pounds.
- The Life expectancy of a american Bulldog can be up 10-12 years.
- Generally the American Bulldog skin is 52 to 70 centimeters, but it can go overboard.
- The American Bulldog barking can be up 80-90 decibels.
it happens when 2 organisms jelp each other beneficial.
eg:algae and leguminous plants.the algae live on the roots and take in the nitrogen from the soil,which the plant cannot do and needs for takes in the nitrogen and pases it to the roots and even make the soil loose for the roots to move and they get a living space(algae on the roots).
<span>The answer is a) mitosis, meiosis. Body cells may produce additional body cells by means of mitosis. Organisms that reproduce sexually produce gametes by means of the process of meiosis. Mitosis is a process which results in two identical cells being produced through division, whereas meiosis results in the splitting of a cell to create two genetically different daughter cells. </span>