Dealers profit comes from the spread primarily. Spread is the differential amount between buying and selling.
Let us assume the price of security X is USD 100 (last trade price)
A dealer will purchase this security at discounted price from the investor say USD 99 and will sell the same security in the market at USD 100, thus earning spread.
Further being market markers, dealers often use multiple strategies to prop up the price of particular security and earn gains on inventory held.
States request assistance from other states through interstate mutual aid and assistance agreements such as Emergency Management Assistance Compacts (EMACs)
EMAC, Emergency Management Assistance Compact-all aspects of mutual assistance compact which is at the core of the nation's program of mutual aid.
Since the 1950 Civil Defense and Disaster Treaty signed by the US, EMAC is the first treaty national disaster relief international. Convention. Convention. In 1996, 50 states have passed laws to become EMAC participants in their adoption and signing into statute, Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, US Virgin Islands and the Northern Mariana Islands.
A flexible and clear program allowing states to send personnel, supplies and resources to help in response and rehabilitation in other states provides assistance in Governor-declared emergencies or disaster areas.
The marginal rate of technical substitution will remain constant.
The marginal rate of technical substitution is the rate at which an input is substituted for others. For instance, it is the rate at which the amount of labor should be decreased to increase the amount of capital.
It represents the slope of an isoquant. When the inputs are perfectly substitutable, the isoquant is a straight line. In this situation, the marginal rate of technical substitution remains the same at all the points of the isoquants. The MRTS remains constant, though further information is needed to find out if it is high or low.
<span>Of the seven commonly used organizational buying criteria, consumer demand is very important. If the consumer wants the product and is sure to purchase the product, organizational financial goals are likely to be met as the product will quickly sell.</span>
The answer is a, a cash reserve