She can not fit more than twenty rows in the class so anything equal to twenty or less (not including zero or negative numbers) would be fine. We don't have a limit for how many chairs in a row so I'm answering assuming that is not a problem so 20,19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2, or 1 row(s) would be possible
Probability distribution is the function which describes the likelihood of possible values assuming a random variable. Alternative hypothesis is a statement which we accept or reject based on the null hypothesis. The null hypothesis is rejected or accepted on the basis of level of significance. When the p-value is greater than level of significance we fail to reject the null hypothesis and null hypothesis is then accepted. It is not necessary that all null hypothesis will be rejected at 10% level of significance. To determine the criteria for accepting or rejecting a null hypothesis we should also consider p-value.