Chemical energy stored in muscles transform to kinetic and heat energy
as the blood pressure increases, the rate of blood flow decreases
The defecation reflex involves two postive feedback loops. these loops are the stretch receptors in the rectal walls and the sacral parasympathetic system. Defecation reflex empties the rectum by peristaltic movements push fecal matter from the sigmoid colon into the rectum. Then this distension of the rectal walls stimulates stretch receptors which results in defecation.
A clonagem é a obtenção de duas células idênticas com o mesmo código genético que o produto da reprodução assexuada.
Nos mamíferos, a clonagem ocorre através de células somáticas, onde há um núcleo doador e um oócito que se unem por meio de um choque elétrico, formando o embrião que resultará em um ser vivo clonado, um exemplo de essa era Dolly, a ovelha.
Na clonagem de mamíferos, o embrião é responsável por ter caracteres da ovelha doadora, ou seja, será a imitação do código genético desse animal que empresta a célula doadora ao úbere.
The correct answer is d. photorespiration
In the C3 plant, the Rubisco enzyme is important that fix CO2 into organic molecule by binding with CO2. Rubisco can also bind to oxygen when the oxygen concentration increases in cells which leads to the loss of fixed CO2 and waste of energy which is called photorespiration.
So when stomata are open CO2 comes in and O2 goes out of the cell which maintains the high CO2 concentration in the cell but during hot days C3 plants close stomata to prevent water loss.
So closing of stomata decrease the intake of CO2 and increase the oxygen concentration inside the cell. So in increased temperature and high oxygen concentration, the rubisco enzymes bind to O2 and promote photorespiration.