A fallacy can best be defined as a false or a mistaken idea, or the use of faulty reasoning. "Thank you for smoking" movie, has some fallacies in it i will be discussing below.
The first fallacy i noticed in "Thank you for smoking" is when Nick Naylor's son's mother's boyfriend tells Nick "I hope you are providing Joey with a smoke-free environment." and Nick replies "I'm his father, you're just the guy_his mother." This is a negative statement as Nick attacked Polly's boyfriend personally because He is not the real parent of Joey, which is a good example of Ad Hominem.
This film is a dark comedy. Nick Naylor who is a successful lobbyist, has sense of logos in his arguments and this logos is centered primarily on logical fallacies
The order from Berlin is called a thunderclap by Franz, because it was a complete shock for him. He had never thought that he would be deprived of the right of learning his native language.
As a consequence of this Franz was in a deep state of shock, his behaviour towards M Hamel and his school suddenly changed.
I believe it would be person vs. person because she’ll probably have a conflict with her mother for not letting her go..?
The crowd, because it identifies a group of people and still sounds like a singular noun.
It shows the heading " The best on earth" and poses a famous basketball player.