Voltaire was sent to prison because he made a satirical poem which attacks the political and the religion and he was exiled because he kept on writing satirical poems in the prison. Voltaire was sent to the Bastille prison to receive his punishment for making his creation. However, Bastille prison could not hold up his creativity.
Not all of the writer’s evidence is relevant to her argument, though. In defending the movie version of the book, she cites reviewer Peter Rainer:
Reviewers have offered equally high praise for the movie. Film critic Peter Rainer notes in his online movie review for the ?Christian Science Monitor,? “the great conundrum of the Holocaust is that it was perpetrated by human beings, not monsters. Few movies have rendered this puzzle so powerfully.” (Rainer, November 8, 2008) It is interesting to note that Rainer has also reviewed Richard Linklater’s ? Boyhood.? ?Boyhood ? is another child-centered movie. (Rainer, July 11, 2014)
Rainer’s comments about the strength of the movie are relevant. But the fact that Rainer has reviewed other child-centered movies adds nothing to the claim the writer is trying to support.
No writer is entirely wrong or entirely right. By applying critical analysis to the full text of a persuasive selection, readers can evaluate the persuasiveness of the arguments. Reading critically is essential for readers who want to navigate their way through published opinions, editorials, blog posts, theater and movie reviews, or any other persuasive texts. First, identify the writer’s claim. Second, examine the supporting evidence for relevance and reliability. Finally, decide whether or not the writer has argued for his or her claim persuasively
The quotations that use imagery are Have you not made an universal shout, / That Tiber trembled underneath her banks
And do you now strew flowers in his way, / That comes in triumph over Pompey's blood?
I don’t really understand what your question is can you explain?
The question "The Story of An Hour" seems to ask is "Why did Mrs. Mallard die?"
I see this question in the story because they mentioned in the beginning and in the end of her "weak heart" and she passes away in the end by "the joy that kills." Ironcally, she was devastated by her husband's return, which ended her freedom from their marriage. Mrs. Mallard was young, so it is possible that her condition was metaphorical for her emotional state.
Kate Chopin might answer with question by saying that Mrs. Mallard passed away because she realized her need for independence was greater than her love for her husband.