Partly by the market mechanism and partly by the political process.
Capitalist Economy is private owned economy, with no state control, having profit maximisation objective. Socialist economy is state (govt) owned economy, having social welfare objective.
Mixed Economy is an economy co-owned by private & government sector. The goal is to achieve balance between profit maximisation & social welfare. The central problems of economy 'what, how, for whom to produce' are solved by both private & government sector. Output is allocated both on the basis of free market demand & supply mechanism, also on the basis of state/ govt (political) process. The govt (political) process regulates & monitors private role through various market interventions :- maximum quotas, price ceiling, price floor etc.
Inelastic: Demand for business goods tends to be me more inelastic than demand for consumer goods.
I already did this before. ur welcome
Based solely on a difference of values between the counselor and the client.
Referral is defined as the situation were counselors make recommendations of where else a client might seek treatment. This can happen if counselors cannot accept the client for some reason or if the client's needs have changed. Something that must be said is that the reasons must be appropriate, and a difference in values is not.
The correct answer is letter "D": Leading.
Managers have different functions within their organizations. The leading role implies setting an example of how work should be done in the entity. Managers should be the firsts applying what they request. By leading groups, managers guide employees to the organization's success without forgetting to attempt to fulfill workers' personal objectives.
A) high magnitude of consequences.
Delayed product delivery is less of an issue when compared to delivering a faulty product, which can potentially cause harm. This is because delivering a faulty product has a high magnitude of consequences.
The customer is the king in the market, the company can not afford to lose reputation by a delivery faulty product. Especially in the era of social media, these mistakes can cause loss of market share and can potentially damage the credibility of the company´s product, which could take lot of time to rebuild. It may also affect other product of the company to lose reputation.