<em>open lake </em>is a lake where water constantly flows out under almost all climatic circumstances. Because water does not remain in an open lake for any length of time, open lakes are usually fresh water: dissolved solids do not accumulate. Open lakes form in areas where precipitation is greater than evaporation. Because most of the world's water is found in areas of highly effective rainfall, most lakes are open lakes whose water eventually reaches the sea.
<em>closed lake </em>(see endorheic drainage), no water flows out, and water which is not evaporated will remain in a closed lake indefinitely. This means that closed lakes are usually saline, though this salinity varies greatly from around three parts per thousand for most of the Caspian Sea to as much as 400 parts per thousand for the Dead Sea. Only the less salty closed lakes are able to sustain life, and it is completely different from that in rivers or freshwater open lakes.
Neither country wanted to engage in a nuclear war that would lead to worldwide destruction.
The US and USSR became arch enemies soon after World War II ended, and that continued to be the case until the USSR seized to exist. The two countries became opponents and developed very bad and tense relations because they had different ideas as to how the world should shape up, but also because both of them wanted to be the only dominant power in the world.
Both countries were heavily armed and the weaponry was constantly icnreasing, with newer and better weapons constantly been created to gain an advantage. Nuclear weapons were abundant at both as well, but they never got used in an open war between them. The reason was simple, if a direct war between them occurred, there would have been worldwide destruction and everyone will lose, so that was kept as the last option in case of an attack by the other. Not to be mistaken though, these two were constantly in war with each other, not just diplomatic, but also military one, just that they used other countries as battlefields where they supported a particular side.
All and each of those landmarks are and is located in modern Egypt.
Solifluction involves the movement of soil particles or other materials which has been exposed to water down a slope. This process is common in areas with water bodies and a steep slope.
A major method by which material gets delivered to the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon is through the solifluction process as a result of the presence of water and steep slope.
Magma are the hot molten materials that rises up towards the surface due to the increasing force from the depth. These magma when comes out to the surface then they are considered as lava.
The felsic lava are those in which the amount of silica and aluminium is very high. Due to this high silica content, the viscosity is high. The amount of silica present in magma or lava is directly proportional to the viscosity of magma or lava. The felsic lava due to its high viscosity flows sluggishly.
Whereas, the basic lava are those in which the silica content is significantly less. Iron (Fe) and Magnesium (Mg) is mostly present in this type of lava. As a result of which it flows easily without any difficulty.
This is the reason why felsic magma (lava) are more viscous compared to the mafic magma (lava).