Una estrella de unas 38 veces la masa del Sol y otra ligeramente inferior, de unas 32 masas solares, están tan cerca que comparten una única envoltura. Ambas orbitan alrededor de un centro de masas común, y acabarán fusionándose en una única estrella supermasiva, dicen los científicos, de unas 70 veces la masa del Sol. “Será dentro de algunos millones de años, ni siquiera decenas de millones de años, y tenga en cuenta que eso no es apenas nada en términos astronómicos… nuestro Sol tiene 4.500 millones de años de vida”, explica a EL PAÍS Javier Lorenzo, astrónomo de la Universidad de Alicante y líder del equipo que ha descubierto y caracterizado está sistema binario. MY Camelopardalis, situado, en la constelación de la Jirafa, está a una distancia de entre 12.000 y 15.000 años luz de la Tierra, en nuestra galaxia.
Clouds are white and therefore reflect more ligjt
The unconformity that is found in a geological cross section indicates that in this area erosion happened.
Erosion is a natural process in which the surface of the Earth (<span><span>soil, rock, or dissolved material</span>) gets worn down.
The cause for erosion can be wind, water, glacier ice or other natural element.
The correct answer is - False.
The trilobites are a marine type of animal that has been one of the most successful animals in the earlier stages of the history of life on this planet. They have existed for roughly 270 million years, from approximately 521 million years ago until 252 million years ago. Their beginnings are traced back in the Early Cambrian period, and they went extinct in the great mass extinction at the end of the Permian period.
So, the trilobites are a very common fossil in the time frame from 521 million years ago until 252 million years ago, but they went extinct than, so they are missing from the fossil records onward from that time, thus we can say that they are not common throughout the entire fossil record.