Central America: El Salvador, Guatemala, Panama, Honduras
Caribbean: Jamaica, Cuba, Puerto Rico
The countries of Central America: are Panama, Costa Rica, Honduras, Nicaragua, Guatemala, El Salvador, and Belize.
The countries/islands of Caribbean: Cuba, Jamaica, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Montserrat, Guadeloupe, Barbados, The Bahamas, Grenada, and much more (these are all the ones I remember)
The present greatest problem for Eastern Europe is water quality.
Borders are imaginary lines that divide a nation, state, province or city from others. These dividing lines can be taken from geographic features, such as rivers, seas, lakes, mountains, etc .; or in geometric form, using lines as meridians and parallels; or for ethnic reasons, dividing populations based on languages, ethnic origin, etc.
Examples of each of these types of border are:
-Natural border between Argentina and Chile along the Andes Mountains, taking as the dividing line the highest point of the same.
-Geometric border between America and Canada on the west coast, taking the line of parallel 49 as division.
-Ethnic border between Pakistan and India, dividing both nations according to concepts of Islamic or Hindu religious affiliation.
Most gladiators were usually slaves. Slavers sell slaves for money and the slaves are forced into an arena to fight to their deaths.Typically, a slave gladiator goes against a super strong and powerful guy that was not a slave. The spectators would typically want the super strong and powerful guy to win.