The answer is 1. classical conditioning.
Classical conditioning refers to the association of a conditioned stimulus (the alcohol in this case) with an unconditioned stimulus (the pain produced by the vaccinations), thus provoking an conditioned response (fear).
Russian scientist Ivan Pavlov is famous for his research on classical conditioning. In one experiment, he would ring a bell every time he was going to feed a dog. Soon, the dog started salivating at the sound of the bell.
In hindsight, <u>from the Gilded Age </u><u>monopolists </u><u>perspective they would say that they have pushed too far with manipulation of prices and thus brought negative reaction and counter measures from the general public.</u> In particular, farmers in the Western country demanded that the government set maximum prices on railroads because monopolist had uncontrolled pricing power. Through the Granger movement they achieved passing of some of the ‘Granger Laws’ and set pricing limit on some services.
This concerned other industries as well. For example, the famous <u>Robber baron</u> Vanderbilt was competing with steamboat monopoly that controlled transportation between New York City and Albany. Using populist rhetoric and peoples line to bring down monopolies, he was trying to pave the way for his own business. Meanwhile, <u>the monopolistic Hudson River Steamboat Association end up paying him a great amount of money so that he would stop doing it</u>.
<em>Apartheid laws</em>. There was some truly horrific racial segregation going on in South Africa until fairly recently in its history, many South Africans still live with its legacy. Colonialism and imperialism had far-reaching and nearly universally negative consequences on the African Continent, not least of which being its ideas of racial superiority/inferiority.
No The U.S Consituation doesn't outline the goals because the Govermennt has to be the one to come with one. It does but it doesn't really apply to 2020 or the feauture we are heading towards.
If you need anymore help just sent me a friends request and dm and I wll be more than to happy to help you some more.