To whom it may concern, In regards to the Memorial Day Fiasco aboard your cruise ship, star princess we would first offer our sincere apology, for our part in the mishap. While we do not plan on taking legal action against you or the Maroccan authorities, we are requesting parties to avoid another Waterloo captain. Johnson may just want to remember a key items.
I do believe so, although it has a much more literal rejuvenation.
The garden is a place to relax and refresh, as is Neverland. However, in Neverland you literally do not age, therefore it is quite a literal concept of rejuvenation.
is that the wole passage ?if so then B
Marullus points out that if the Commoner is a carpenter, as he reports in line 6, he should not be out on the streets.
It would be A because the only thing the sentence needed was a subject and once you add mike to the sentence fragment, it becomes a sentence without changing anything besides the person who called and left a message