Francis is dominant and aggressive. He sees the world as a place where he can manipulate things when he wants. When he doesn't get what he wants, he gets angry that he can't have his way. Hedoesn't like being told no and on top of that, he doesn't know how to take no for an answer because he is spoiled.
Scout on the other hand sees the world as a big place and she isn't racist in fact, I feel that Aticuss protects her and it leads her to not be biased or predjudice. She sees no difference and isn't as educated about the world as Francis. She gets the opportunity to see the good side in people that no one else wanted to give them the chance to see.
D. That all aspects of the piece should work together to create a certain effect
To create a "unity of effect" on the reader, it should have a certain effect on the reader. Like a really sad and depressing book should not exactly make the reader sad, but to feel the parts of the book that spoke out to the reader.
I don't get it, are you asking a question or are you quoting something?