Homonymous Hemianopia
Homonymous Hemianopia is a medical condition that make a person experience a loss of vision on on the same side of both eyes. But, they personally unaware of this loss. In their own perspective, their vision is completely normal. This is why Ricardo might not aware that he is only drawing the left side of the cat.
This condition typically occurs when their brain is experiencing some sort of damage within the visual pathways. Typically, the damage can occurs when people are experiencing either stroke, trauma from some sort of collision, after math of brain surgery, or even tumor.
selective attention is very important because something so serious like that injury, when brushed off can spread and cause more damage and issues to your body mentally or physically. he should have payed more attention, because he would have noticed the injury and got it dealt with rather than brushing it off and continuing. the pain became worse as he put more pressure on it
Any consideration of the human body carries with it the implication of the divide, real or perceived, between sacred and secular art.
The meanings and functions of the numerous points at which art and religion converge are investigated in studies of visual representations of the human body. Any consideration of the human body carries with it the implication of the divide, real or perceived, between sacred and secular art. The artistic and religious aspects of the human form reveal societal norms and ideals regarding gender, figurative art, and the interaction between the human and divine. The fundamental question is whether religious art must depict human figures.
Learn more about human body from
All vessels are divided into two categories:
stand on vessels: these are those that have the privilege to maintain their course and speed when operating near another vessel.
Give way vessel: these are those vessels that are mandated to keep away from stand on vessels when the two are near each other.
When two boats are operating near each other, the STAND ON VESSEL must maintain its course and speed while the give way vessel must take precautions and early actions to keep out of the way of the stand on vessel.