1 True 2 false 3 false 4 true 5 true
1 The Lac I gene makes repressor protein True
2 The structural genes encoded by lac operon are involved in lactose synthesis false
3 The CAP protein is an activator protein that binds to the operator false
4 The product of Lac I is an allosteric protein that can undergo conformational change when allolactose binds to it True
5 CAP binding causes DNA to bend facilitating RNA polymerase binding True
Turtles eat the grass, grass is needed for fish breeding. If there are more turtles, they will eat more grass and there will obvious be less of it. If there is not enough grass, other populations of fish will leave because they can't breed.
<span>Chroloplasts Acts as a main role in photosynthesis.Chloroplasts likely orginated from engulfed "prokaryotes" that once lived as independent organisms. They are also considered to be originated from "cyanobacteria" through endosymbiosis—when a eukaryotic cell engulfed a photosynthesizing cyanobacterium that became a permanent resident in the cell.</span>
Two-thirds of a cell is water, which means that two-thirds of your whole body is water. The rest is a mixture of molecules, mainly proteins, lipids and carbohydrates.