Suppose we add up alternate Fibonacci numbers, Fn-1 + Fn+1; that is, what do ... L(1)=1 and L(3)= 4 so their sum is 5 whereas F(2)=1; L(2)=3 and L(4)= 7 so their ... What is the relationship between F(n-2), and F(n+2)? You should be able to find a ... Fib(N); K (an EVEN number!), Lucas(K) and Fib(K) in each expression like ...
So other scientists can try the exact same experiment and see if they both got the same results.
Both parent's genotype is Bb because they are hairless and alive.
If it has a homozygous dominant genotype (BB), the dog will die in utero.
If it has a heterozygous genotype (Bb), the dog will be hairless but won't die.
If it has a homozygous dominant genotype (bb), the dog will have hair.
The ratio of BB:Bb:bb is 1:2:1 meaning that there is a 50% probability of having a live hairless puppy.
Hope this helps! <3