Crusaders made their way to the Holy Land by whatever means they could. Many went by land, and many went by sea. ... Most Crusaders went over land to Constantinople. There, they split in two, with some of the forces marching across Anatolia and others following the coast in ships until they reached the port of Acre.
Need to know the statements first, to answer if it's true or not. Sorry about that.
Indulgences and Overpower in Clergy
Indulgences where essentially a get out of hell jail free card, and how you can pay to be forgiven for your sins.
Overpower in Clergy would consist of how much power and influence the Catholic Church would have on monarchial affairs. The Catholic Church would influence monarchies and made far too much money. It can be observed the Catholic Church was very affulent.
The protestant Northern Europe tended to dislike the Southern Catholic states.
OPEC has been gaining steady power and influencing the global oil market since the 1970s when OPEC had ~50% of market share in global crude oil production. High market share has also given OPEC the bargaining power to price oil above what prices would be in a more competitive market.
The Japanese admired Korean culture because they captured Korean artisans to bring their skills to Japan.
In the mid-1500s, in addition to a large number of human losses, Korea suffered from severe cultural and economic damage and its infrastructure, including a considerable reduction of its arable land, as well as the destruction and confiscation of important works of art, artifacts and historical documents, coupled with the hijacking of technicians and craftsmen for Japanese lands. During this time, the main Korean palaces, Gyeongbokgung, Changdeokgung and Changgyeonggung, were burned, although the palace Deoksugung has been used of temporary way.