The following that is not considered as a form of Vitamin A from the give choices is "retinalogic." Retinal is a molecule important for our vision. Retinoic acid regulates the functions of Vitamin A for muscle development. Lastly, retinol is used as a component in dietary supplements.
Retinoic acid is concern with the mediation of the functions of Vitamin A for the growth and development of the muscle, it is a metabolite of vitamin A.
Retinol is used as a component in dietary supplements. Retinol which also known as Vitamin A is a vitamin found in food and it serves as a dietary supplement to treat and prevent vitamin A deficiency.
Retinal is a molecule important for our vision which is also form of vitamin A. It was formerly called retinene. Retinal is the chemical basis of animal vision.
With these explanations, "retinalogic" is the odd in the group and is not a form of Vitamin A.
Mutation plays an important role in evolution. The ultimate source of all genetic variation is mutation. Mutation is important as the first step of evolution because it creates a new DNA sequence for a particular gene, creating a new allele.
The medium would be functionally classified as a growth medium. It is because a growth medium is a media that is being use to observe the growth of bacteria such as having to observe whether it would be inhibited or whether it will grow in the media.