"My house, my rules" "It's called personal space" "Private Property" "No fighting allowed (You too, Troops)"
Quien verdaderamente vive, no puede dejar de ser ciudadano y partisano. La indiferencia y la abulia son parasitismo, son cobardía, no vida. Por eso odio a los indiferentes.
Es lo que, espero y te sirva
When President Truman took a hard line against striking workers in the years immediately following World War II, he:
"had little understanding of the plight of laborers in the post-war years."
During the first months of his administration, he became involved in a struggle between coal miners and railroad workers. It took several meetings, and fierce arguments, to get them to agree, and end the strike.
Blame - Germany was forced to accept the blame for starting the war under article 231 of the treaty, known as the War Guilt Clause. Reparations - Germany was to be made to pay for the damage suffered by Britain and France during the war.