The general thinking is that a law is unjust if it doesn't square with natural law. This is certainly the view that was put forth in Martin Luther King's Letter from Birmingham Jail.
So, a law that was passed that treated people differently wouldn't square with the natural law that all humans are equal. And thus, one would have the obligation to disobey that law.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton was an abolitionist, human rights activist and one of the first leaders of the woman’s rights movement. She came from a privileged background and decided early in life to fight for equal rights for women. Stanton worked closely with Susan B. Anthony—she was reportedly the brains behind Anthony’s brawn—for over 50 years to win the women’s right to vote. Still, her activism was not without controversy, which kept Stanton on the fringe of the women’s suffrage movement later in life, though her efforts helped bring about the eventual passage of the 19th Amendment, which gave all citizens the right to vote.
La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.
Vamos a ubicar a historia de la administración en Colombia desde su etapa moderna y su incursión en las currículas escolares. De lo contario sería muy extenso retomar la historia desde la época prehispánica y precolombina.
El programa académico de Administración empezó a ser parte de los programas educativos en Colombia a partir de los años 60. Distintos programas desarrollaron tópicos en Administración, pero con la Ley 60 de 1981, la Administración de Empresas se reconocía como una profesión o carrera profesional.
Durante años, muchos profesionistas en Contaduría habían hecho carreras en los Bancos Colombianos, y de ahí salieron maestros que apoyaron el desarrollo de la Administración como carrera.
El perfil del egresado de Administración en Colombia busca ser un entendido de la práctica administrativa y organizacional, que domine los principales funciones administrativas y sea sensible a las necesidades delos recursos humanos como factor esencial en el manejo de la empresa moderna.
Grant, loan and disbursement ; increasing tax.
On the goverment side to help growth of industries, grant which are consider as free gifts which is not expected to be paid back, loans is also the money that the government gives out to companies but unlike Grant, loans are meant to be paid back with interest. Disbursement are money paid out to run a business.
The industries, having been established are prone to tax by the government. A business which was not taking shape but was help by goverment funds of either Grants or loan is expected to pay tax once the company start booming.
So, if we are to fill in the gap in the question, we will have;
" GRANTS, LOAN AND DISBURSEMENT paid to a business by the government usually has the effect of lowering cost and increasing TAX "
Please note that the capitalized words are the missing words in the gap.
Shah Ismail conquered Persia in the early sixteenth century and was the founder of the Safavid Dynasty.