A lot of DNA is structural and doesn't pertain to any genetics while it only takes a small change to change something big. DNA mainly uses 4 different chemicals to change itself, not giving a lot of variety. Most animals share around 98% of the same dna with each other. Humans share 50% of their DNA with a banana. Pretty much everything shares the same double helix design as well. So a lot of genetic code looks similar.
1 because there’s more absorption meaning less water to runoff
The answer to this question is :
D. Obstacle Evaluation
Answer:b. an mRNA transcript to which multiple ribosomes are attached
Explanation: polysome consist of mRNA complex and two or more ribosome coming together to translate mRNA into a polypetide or amino acid. It helps produce many polypeptide from a single mRNA.
Different ribosomes bind to the mRNA at different time elongating the polypeptide chain. We have the free( non-poly A ) and memberane bound (poly A) polysome.