From the contour line that is a combination of two line segments that connect but do not intersect, 500 and 750 represent elevation on the topographic map. There are 5 contour lines in between the given elevations 500 and 750, therefore, the contour interval is 50. Since the peak of the mountain is 2 contour lines from 750, the elevation of the mountain is 850. Hence, the answer is 871 meters.
Bacteria and fungi carry out decompostion of plants and animals
epithelial stomach cell>stomach lining tissue>stomach>disgestive system
The various types of cells making up the structural composition of your body (skin cells, muscle cells, cells of your stomach lining, etc.) are all Epithelial cells. The only other class of cells in your body are Gametes (sperm and egg cells).
The moon revovles around the sun. While the moon goes around the earth, some half of the moon will be lighted up by the sun. The other side will always be in darkness. Hope this helps :)