Answer: Nonpolar lipid layers
A genotype is determined by your genes and a phenotype is by your physical features
Survival of the fittest is talking about when you have traits that will help you, you are more likely to live rather than not having those traits. For example, a bird that swims a lot has webbed feet so it has a better chance of surviving then a bird who does not have webbed feet
Ribosomes,cytoplasm ,cell wall and circular DNA could be used to justify that the cell is a prokaryote.
Ribosome Ribosome is present in both prokaryotic cell and eukaryotic cell.The prokaryotic cell 70S ribosome which contain 2 subunits the larger subunit is 50S and the smaller subunit is 30s
Cell wall Prokaryotes such as bacterial cell contain cell wall.Cell wall of bacteria contain various carbohydrates which are crosslinked with peptides resulting in the formation of peptidoglycan.
Cytoplasm The cytoplasm of prokaryotic cell such as bacteria contain ribosomes,chromosome and extracellular genetic material called plasmid.
Circular DNA Almost all prokayotic chromosome contain circular DNA molecule that does not contain any free ends.
<h2>Behaviorism Approach in Psychology</h2>
- Behaviorism refers to a mental methodology that stresses logical and target strategies for examination. The methodology is just worried about recognizable upgrade reaction practices and expresses all practices are found out through cooperation with nature.
- One of the presumptions of behaviorist idea is that unrestrained choice is fanciful and that all conduct is dictated by a mix of powers contained hereditary variables and the earth either through affiliation or fortification.
- The behaviorist way of thinking ran simultaneously with the analysis development in brain research in the twentieth century. Its primary impacts were Ivan Pavlov, who explored traditional molding, John B. Watson (1878-1958) who dismissed thoughtful techniques and looked to confine brain science to test lab strategies. B.F. Skinner looked to give moral establishing to behaviorism, relating it to pragmatism.