I think it's Robert Hooke. I could be wrong, though:/
Life is found almost everywhere on Earth, but it is not distributed evenly around the planet. Different species are found in different areas; some species have overlapping ranges, others do not. Each species has a set of environmental conditions within which it can best survive and reproduce. Not surprisingly, those conditions are the ones for which it is best adapted. Many different physical, abiotic (non- living) factors influence where species live, including temperature, humidity, soil chemistry, pH, salinity and oxygen levels.
Answer: Lipids.
The large carbon -hydrogen bonds(C-H) in chains of lipids makes them ideal storage of energy.
T<u>he more C-H bonds breakage, the higher protons availability from Citric acid cycle NADH and FADH2 and hydrogen atom splitting (to protons and electrons) for the electron transport chains (ETC</u>), and therefore the higher proton pumps for more ATP's synthesis in the mitochondria matrix.
In addition large number of electrons surrounding carbon atom in fatty acids than other food molecule is added factor. The transfer of these electrons to oxygen during oxidation of fatty acids releases large amount of energy (9 kilo calorie) into the cells, more than other food substances