The correct answer is (b) arctic fox
The arctic fox shows two color of fur depending upon the season. During summer and spring season the fox has dark colored coat .It does so to match the color of the brown dirt in the surrounding. In winter's the arctic fox turns its fur to white to match the color of the snow in the surrounding. This phenomenon is known as " camouflage". Animals have developed this adaptation to protect itself from being killed by other animals by changing the color of the fur according to the color of the surrounding.
a scholarly work falls within the journal's scope, the research topic has been clearly formulated, a suitable approach has been taken to address the scientific issues involved.
The snakehead could unreservedly eat little fish and scavangers, so that would evacuate/diminish the predator for zooplankton and phytoplankton. So zooplankton and phytoplankton populace would increment while little fish and scavanger populace would diminish. Presently if little fish and shellfish populace diminishes, their predators would have bring down sustenance, so vast fish pop. would diminish. On the off chance that vast fish pop. diminishes, their predators will have less nourishment thus the number of inhabitants in well evolved creatures will somewhat drop, however not by much, since they can feast upon zooplankton.
So at last, just the phytoplankton populace would increment while everything else diminishes.
Only shows external structure and low power
Answer: 1. all cacti in the same area
Explanation: All saguaro cacti in the desert is considered a population because population is the number of organisms of the same specie that exist and live together in a particular geographic region at the same time, and also have the capability to interbreed within themselves.