Hi. When searching for your question on the internet, I was able to find another question exactly the same as yours that had answer options, which you didn't show in this question. These answer options are in the attached image below and the correct answer is option B.
As shown in the question, the Andersen and Bem experiment was a replication of the getting-acquainted telephone study by Snyder, Elizabeth Tanke, and Berscheid, the difference being that the Andersen and Bem experiment used photos of men and female volunteers, while the other experiment featured photos of women and male volunteers. In the two experiments, the results were similar.
In these results, the researchers noticed that volunteers tended to think they were talking to people they found attractive when looking at the photos. In this case, volunteers were more open and more likely to keep in touch with those they thought were attractive people.
Answer is biological, psychological, and social forces combine to influence adolescent development.
Refer below.
Today we know that biological, psychological, and social forces combine to influence adolescent development.
when it come freedom in my mind i feel like free
Answer: This action violates the concept of FAIR PLAY.
Fair play comprises different values that encourages treating individuals in a fair manner during the game and after the game, it also applies in actual how we treat people on daily basis.
This means a fair competition where there is no cheating during the game , where each team mates respect each other and their opponents, it encourages treating every team player with equality in such that everyone get the same chance to play for the team,tolerating each others weakness , caring for each team member without choosing favourites, and teaching fair values in the field and out of the field.