Southerners defended these laws as honest attempts to restore order in the South. They also said these codes protected blacks from the results of their own "laziness and ignorance." Southerners thought the 14th Amendment had been passed to punish them for starting the Civil War, and they refused to ratify it.
George Washington was a man of extraordinary charisma and talent for leadership. The populace admired and respected him; his fellow soliders and officials did, too; he had dealings with outstanding people of his time who stood higher than he did intellectually level. Nevertheless, he was the leader.
According to a paper by reverend Richard C. Stazesky for the George Washington Club (2000) in Delaware , Washington´s leadership style shows the following characteristics:
- he had a vision of the cause that comprised ideas and goals that would not be changed no matter the circumstances;
- he was skillful in designing and creating an organizational culture that made possible the achievement of the leader´s vision and ideas;
- he was successful in gaining others for the cause by persuading them and by instilling in them his ideas, beliefs and values of his vision.
- as any other successful leader, he effectively combined in himself different roles to be played for the cause.
The Marbury v Madison (1803) case was important in the history of the Supreme Court because it established “judicial review”. Judicial review established that federal courts have the power to void and oppose laws, statutes, and/or government Congressional actions that contradict the United States Constitution.
Deflation would be the biggest problem because deflation is the depreciation of money. Another point of view is that if you have a surplus of something it will have less value