<h2>Muscular System.... off course</h2>
all cells have the ability to move
Please study hard next time.
If your test is positive, you might have syphilis.The following step is to confirm the diagnosis using a more accurate syphilis test, like FTA-ABS. The FTA-ABS test will aid in differentiating syphilis from other infections or diseases.
<h3>What is RPR test?</h3>
- Rapid Plasma Reagin, or RPR, is a syphilis screening test.
- It evaluates the presence of molecules (proteins) known as antibodies in the blood of individuals who may have the disease.
- It is frequently used to test pregnant women for the condition and is used to check people who exhibit signs of STDs.
- The effectiveness of syphilis therapy is also evaluated using the test.
- Antibody levels for syphilis should decrease following antibiotic therapy.
- Another RPR test can be used to keep track of these values.
- Levels that stay the same or increase may indicate an ongoing infection.
<h3>Infectious mononucleosis:</h3>
- The Epstein-Barr virus is the common infectious agent that causes infectious mononucleosis (EBV).
- The term "glandular fever" is used more frequently.
- Young adults between the ages of 15 and 25 are most commonly affected with infectious mononucleosis.
- It affects all races and is equally prevalent in both sexes.
- By the time they are adults, up to approximately 95 percent of persons have EBV infection.
- There is no seasonal preference in the disease's occurrence worldwide.
Learn more about RPR test here: