plessy vs Fergusons decision in a 7 to 1 decision is segregation is constitutional. brown vs board of education decided in a unanimous decision that segregation is unconstitutional. miranda vs Arizona decide in a 5 to 4 decision that an accused persons 5th amendment rights must be protected
Importance of origin:
The point at which the two axes intersect is called the origin. The intersecting x- and y-axes divide the coordinate plane into four sections.
The origin is at 0 on the x-axis and 0 on the y-axis. Since the origin has an x-coordinate of 0 and a y-coordinate of 0, its ordered pair is written (0, 0).
The origin is used to determine the coordinates for every other point on the graph. It is generally the starting point on a grid.
In general, origin is the place where something comes from or the place where something originates.
President Hoover believe that the federal government should stay out of the affairs of the people, and did next to nothing in regards to the suffering of the people in yeb Great Depression.
The allies had to take strategic considerations, which they learned after attempting an invasion at the coast of Normandy, France; day that came to be remembered as "D-Day". The allies understood they couldn't attempt another landing on a heavily defended German outpost, but they did know the Germans did not have the enough amount of troops to defend all of the coasts, so they had to deceive enemy into a proxy attack point while attacking somewhere else.
To be open minded al the time so that you can always ease the questions