All workers and employers have to pay taxes
Social Security is funded through a dedicated employee tax. Employers and employees each return 6.1 percent of payments up to the taxable peak of $143,900 (in 2020), while the self-employed return 12.5 percent. Social Security trust reserves are genuine and endure real Treasury agreements for which the federal administration should pay. They reflect any acquired plenty of Social Security taxes plus other wealth, such as interest earned, over expenditures.
I think it's population and transportation but I'm not sure
The main way in which anthropologists are able to make generalizations about human behavior is by looking at how they used to live their life--their tools, migration patters, war tactics, etc--which are very similar throughout populations.
Economic growth can only be seen when there is an increase in quality and quantity of the factors of production so clearly it is a function of these factors. The purpose of economic organization – including all labor – is to create things that people value. Economic growth occurs when more and cheaper goods can be created.
Yes, it is true that the Central Intelligence Agency backed the Bay of Pigs invasion of Castro's Cuba, since the goal was to overthrow the regime of Fidel Castro (although this failed miserably).