Wind- Wolf is not a slow learner but a culturally different learner. He comes from an Indian reservation , so his culture is different from the Western culture. Wind-Wolf has already got some knowledge about the world but he has got it through different methods. There are different methods at Western schools. Therefore, the teacher from the school will probably have to learn about Wind- Wolf's world. She must not impose on him the Western view of the world.
Wind- Wolf learnt about the universe- Mother Earth- when he was born. He was born and a traditional native childbirth ceremony took place. He had been bonded to his mother since that moment ,so he developed many faculties observing his mother. He was secure in his turtle shell and he could also learn many things from there. He learnt about health; he learnt about the universe and he also learnt about mathematics. This turtle shell was his first seat in a classroom.
He learnt about healing when he observed his mother during a Sun Dance Ceremony. Her mother danced for several days. She fasted and pierced herself during this ceremony. Wind-wolf doctored in many healing ceremonies. Then, he has different knowledge about the universe. There are thirteen months for Wind- Wolf because there are thirteen full moons for his people. There are also thirteen planets and thirteen tail feathers in the tail of an eagle. The eagle is the most powerful bird in the ceremonies and in healing. Then, he learnt to count while he listened to his mother count beads. Her mother made baskets, necklaces and belts with beads. It was hard work for his mother , but she could count the beads and combine them with different colours in many products.
In conclusion, Wind- Wolf is not a slow-learner at all but a different learner. He has got a different culture. He has to learn about a new culture but he does not have to abandon his knowledge. Therefore, Wind- Wolf's teacher has to learn about his world. If she does not learn about it, "she" will become a "slow-teacher".
1. Osteoarthritis. The most common type, osteoarthritis is the "wear-and-tear" form that increases with age. Cartilage that normally cushions the joint breaks down over time, leading to stiffness and pain, especially with movement. With hip arthritis and knee arthritis, walking becomes more difficult as pain builds, and flexibility decreases. Adults in their 50s and older are more likely to develop this chronic, progressive disease, and women are more vulnerable. Surgical replacement of large joints, such as hip replacement or knee replacement, is needed in some cases.
2. Metabolic bone diseases. Osteoporosis is one of several metabolic bone diseases. These are disorders of bone strength caused by mineral or vitamin deficiencies (such as vitamin D, calcium, or phosphorus) that result in abnormal bone mass or structure. Osteomalacia (softening of the bones), hyperparathyroidism (overactive gland leading to bone calcium loss), Paget disease of bone (abnormally large, weakened bones), and developmental bone disorders affecting children are all different types of metabolic bone diseases.
3. tress fractures are more common in active people like runners.
For rheumatoid arthritis, medications to slow the disease process include older drugs like methotrexate (Trexall and others) and sulfasalazine (Azulfidine). Biologic drugs such as adalimumab (Humira) and etanercept (Enbrel) reduce inflammation by targeting the immune system. Low-dose steroids are sometime used for short-term treatment.
Answer: The answer is D hope it helps
I think it would be B because it tells the reader more about the characters.