An experiment is created by a scientist to determine how fertiliser affects sugar cane height. Two fields receive fertilization, but the remaining two do not. Fertilizer Application serves as the experiment's control group.
Fertilizer Application is typically limited to irrigated plantations and varies by region and even by farmer. Fertilizers will work best if used between 12 and 24 months before and after the peak growing season. One year after planting, farmers typically spray 50 kg of urea and 50-100 kg of DAP per acre. Since Casuarina manufactures its own nitrogen with the aid of the bacterium Frankia, it does not require a significant amount of nitrogen fertiliser. In order to prevent this, it is advised to apply 11 kg of urea and 94 kg of superphosphate at moderate level.
Learn more about Fertilizer Application here
Geologic time scale refers to a system of chronological dating which relates geological strata to time. Geologic time scale is used by scientists to describe the timing of the events that had occurred in the past, thus the scale divides the earth history into units of varying magnitude. There are four basic block of time, these are eons, eras, periods and epochs.
In determine geological time, rock records provide evidence of past geological events and life forms.
The inner or cytoplasmic membrane, impermeable to polar molecules, regulates the passage of nutrients, metabolites, macromolecules, and information in and out of the cytoplasm and maintains the proton motive force required for energy storage.
Artificial selection, also selective breeding occurs when humans breed individuals that have specific characteristics that they want to manipulate.
Catabolism/destructive metabolism. Both terms are used to describe the process of breaking down complex molecules for its stored energy.