the establishment of a national religion
"Tippecanoe and Tyler Too!"
The native american came to the new world with the conquistadors. For one spanish conquistador an expedition that began on a texas beach ended with a much different kind of notable attainment than whichever the spanish crown and catholic church perhaps anticipated. The remarkable journey also opened a conversation about unfair benefit and human rights that endures to this day. During the age of exploration, the spanish conquistadors arose to the america in exploration of the three G's: gold, glory, and God. The spanish crown acknowledged the gold and glory and the catholic church acknowledged the converts. A fourth G was typically on the consideration prize list as well: geography. European controls contended dynamically and violently to claim land in the america in command to spread their territories across the oceans.
Freedom and equality.
The Congress during the 1990's enacted "The Civil Rights Act" on July 2, 1964 which prohibited private bisinesses unequal application of discrimination and racial segregation in employment, public services, and public accomodations, on the bases of physical and mental disabilities, which clashes between the freedom and equality of the citizens.
The Act further prohibits unequal application of Voter registration requirements, and racial segregation in schools, employment, and public accomodations and also on bases of mental and physical disabilities.
This discriminatory act by private businesses construed upon the freedom and equality of the citizens to be given free and fair chances in business to gain employment, to benefit from public services, and public accommodations, and the Congress feels that its duty is to guarantee all citizens equal protection of the law and protect their voting rights irrespective of any disabilities they might have.
Family -owned stores was the bussiness which grew most quickly in the United States during th late 1800s