Evangelicals believe that one needs to believe and praise Jesus in order to be saved (just being a good person is not enough), and additionally one needs to be "born again" - a spiritual rebirth from the Holy Spirit.
Southern California and Australia
These are the sunniest and hottest of the places listed
The irony of this excerpt is that there is a belief from the men about the incapability of the women to discover or uncover any substantial information, but in real circumstances, women are the ones who would uncover an information and discover evidence. The men laughed and the women were embarrassed because it seemed like the men were mocking them.
You can not simply ask someone to write your entire essay for you. If your teacher gave you a rubric I would suggest using the rubric to structure your essay and if you don't have enough knowledge of the subject to write your essay then use online resources. I looked and here is a few I found...
Hope this was helpful.
The difference is that one is fake material that didn't come from our environment and the other did.