The correct answer is option C.
Cardiorespiratory fitness refers to a medical term, which is used to illustrate the tendency of an individual's body to mediate the essential oxygen required towards the muscles and the tendency of the muscles to captivate the provided oxygen. There are numerous ways to evaluate the cardiorespiratory fitness of an individual like the Bruce protocol treadmill test, the VO2 max testing, and the bleep or the beep test.
The VO2 max test is considered to be the most common test of cardiorespiratory fitness. It determines the function of the lungs, heart, and the blood to conduct oxygen towards the effective muscles, and predicts the application of oxygen by the muscles at the time of training.
However, the most suitable way to evaluate cardiorespiratory fitness is to use an amalgamation of tests as this provides an entire image of the fitness level of the body of an individual.