federal government should attempt to solve social and economical problems
The communist manifesto is a book about the communism and socialism, written in the late 1890's by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engals.
The book extensively describe the exploitation done by the capitalist market system and introduces a new political and economic system that diminish the class differences between the rich and the poor.
Also, the book provides an analytical critique of the capitalism and the harsh way it treats the economically under privileged people, while predicting its downfall.
This is part of what's wrong with you -- you do too much singing. Today it's time to stop singing and start swinging. You can't sing up on freedom, but you can swing up on some freedom.
They had control over Northwest India !
The 1920’s was marked by drastic events in the U.S economy.
After a decade of very high economic growth and boom in manufacturing (the
Roaring Twenties), the Wall Street stock market began to slide down on October
24, 1929, and by November stock prices lost as much as 40% of its value. The
drop was caused by overproduction of agricultural produce. The resulting
oversupply caused farmer’s incomes to drop. People also purchased stocks using
borrowed money,which contributed further to the slide.