The moral of the Wolf and the Lamb is that a tyrants or other unjust people do not need an excuse to justify their behavior.
it can help today by teaching people you never get away with doing bad to others and if people listen to this they will heed and stop doing bad things
d. gadflies
In his famous letter from Birmingham City Jail, Martin Luther King Jr. wrote:
<em>“...we must see the need of having nonviolent </em><em>gadflies </em><em>to create the kind of tension in society that will help men rise from the dark depths of prejudice and racism to the majestic heights of understanding and brotherhood”</em>
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Gadfly is an established metaphor for the person that doesn’t take the status quo as such and tries to bring the change and the novelty into the society, usually by standing up to the authorities in the process.
Using the gadfly metaphor, King expresses the importance of standing up to the established rules of the society and<u> creating tension that has to end up in change</u>. The tension he calls for is <u>nonviolent and interference to the authority</u>, but impossible to ignore. <u>He is, therefore, calling for nonviolent civil disobedience that will challenge the racial prejudices, and finally abolish them.</u>
Answer:I'm a junior and believe me I understand what your going through as a freshman and I've struggled with math before too! It's obviously not great to have a C in a class. Just because you have a C though doesn't mean you should give up I say just try to get a good picture of what grade you think you can achieve whether it be an A or a B and set that goal for yourself. I used videos from google to help me with certain subjects I didn't understand and took advantage of tutoring when I could. Try your best and if a C is still what you get then be proud of yourself and don't worry too much because in the end it is just a grade. it's nothing to cry over and you're amazing either way!
An onomatopoeia is a very special thing. It's a word like quack or flutter, or oink or boom or zing.
point of view gives their opinion on something
and if you think about it, if you give your opinion normally it starts drama.