The king had the motive to send a message to all the subjects of his kingdom that if anybody commite a crime he will also be put in the arena and will be eaten up by ferocious animals like tiger
In the story one yound man in love of the princes which is forbidden in that country as the man is not from the family of king
So the young man was put in the arena to face a tiger.
The other option of the answer
In this article about "Doing Something is Nothing" by Anna Quindlen, she explains that American children lack downtime nowadays because their parents schedule their activities every single day. There should be a day wherein they do nothing because it increases the level of creativity that they need.
The television consists of four principles sets of parts, including the exterior or housing, the audio reception and speaker system, the picture tube, and a complicated mass of electronics including cable and antennae imput and output devices, a built-in antenna in most sets, a remote control receiver chips.
A Fortnight is 14 days.
The term "Fortnight" means two weeks, and is a span of 14 days.