When she first sees it is when he returned after his ship was shipwrecked. He came out unclothed and not very good looking. But when he bathes, the goddess Athena makes him look much more attractive. Nausicaa then wants him to be her husband and does numerous favors for him. But Odysseus inly wants to get back to Penelope.
Not sure but can you give more details
the narrative is told by an adult Scout in a retrospective manner, the reader is provided with more introspection than would be the case if the young Scout were the narrator/participant. Still, even with this added adult element, Scout as a young girl is obviously precocious, having learned to read simply from sitting on her father's knee as he peruses his Mobile Register every evening
The arrival of Spanish settlers had a great impact on the natives of the borderlands. The Pueblo people learned from the Spanish how to use new tools, grow new food, and raise sheep for wool. In turn, the Indians introduced the Spanish to new techniques for growing crops in the desert soil.Some Native Americans even <span>converted to the Catholic faith.</span>
anxiety and depression
it affects their education through sleep deprivation