It helped bring the state out of a Depression by providing
jobs in the military. Many Americans who fought in that war came
from South Carolina. The State had a
camp where soldiers trained in preparation for that war called Camp Wetherell. South Carolina also supplied funds for its
citizens who joined the war and fought against the Spaniards. Unions were created in the 1800 to 1. to
improve working conditions for industrial workers. Many workers were working in dangerous
conditions with very little pay and they were no longer in favor of such conditions
that they formed unions.
The direct causes of the American revolution include the following:
1. Colonists rights were restricted.
2. Colonists were not represented in parliament.
3. Colonists did not want England ruling from far away.
4. Colonists were frustrated with high taxation.
All these factors led to the war between the American colonists and the British. Great Britain put in place a lot of policies which did not favored the American colonists, this include the payment of tax which the American colonists violently rejected.
France under the Ancien Régime (before the French Revolution) divided society into three estates: the First Estate (clergy); the Second Estate (nobility); and the Third Estate (commoners). The king was considered part of no estate.
. International: struggle for hegemony and Empire outstrips the fiscal resources of the state
2. Political conflict: conflict between the Monarchy and the nobility over the “reform” of the tax system led to paralysis and bankruptcy.
3. The Enlightenment: impulse for reform intensifies political conflicts; reinforces traditional aristocratic constitutionalism, one variant of which was laid out in Montequieu’s Spirit of the Laws; introduces new notions of good government, the most radical being popular sovereignty, as in Rousseau’s Social Contract [1762]; the attack on the regime and privileged class by the Literary Underground of “Grub Street;” the broadening influence of public opinion.
4. Social antagonisms between two rising groups: the aristocracy and the bourgeoisie
5. Ineffective ruler: Louis XVI
6. Economic hardship, especially the agrarian crisis of 1788-89 generates popular discontent and disorders caused by food shortages.