Ans: The Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 was passed by Congress as one provision of the Compromise of 1850. The harsh terms of the act angered many Northerners and contributed to the sectional division over slavery that led to the American Civil War.
Culture is basically a way of life
i wanna say the population grew and created more jobs
15th Amendment.
The 15th Amendment of the Constitution of America allowed all men to vote without racism and discrimination. The law after the Civil War granted the rights to the African Americans (now freed) to vote. Before ratifying the amendment, only white men in America were allowed to vote and elect the government. The 15th Amendment was rectified during the Reconstruction era along with other Amendments like the 13th and 14th.
"As Allied forces approached Nazi camps, the SS organized “death marches” (forced evacuations) of concentration camp inmates, in part to keep large numbers of concentration camp prisoners from falling into Allied hands."