unit bias
Bias: The term bias is defined as the propensity of an individual to get involved in taking action or to make decisions irrationally.
Unit bias: In psychology, the term unit bias is referred to as the propensity of an individual to desire to fulfill or complete a particular task or an item. An individual tends to complete the portion of work he or she is supposed to irrespective of size and create a perception to complete that satisfies him or her.
Correct Answer:
A. All of these all correct
Megalopolis also called a city cluster is a group of two or more roughly adjacent metropolitan areas, which may be somewhat separated or may merge into a continuous urban region. <em>For example, the North- East Magalopolis in U.S.A is a region which contained over 50 million people, about 17% of the U.S. population on less than 2% of the nation's land area.</em>
Specialization is where the production of a limited number of products focuses on a nation or individual. It is often forgotten to produce other goods and depends on trade for the other goods.
Idn't Spain have more colonies in Africa?
OK. During the era of exploration, the Portuguese were sailing around the coast of Africa and began their colonies in Mozambique, Angola, Guinea-Bissau, Cape Verde and Sao Tome y Principe. By the 1500's, Spain was preoccupied by explanding their empire in the Americas. Africa was then ignored for centuries before the introduction of quamine, which allowed Europeans to travel inland in Africa without dropping like flies from malaria. Hence, in the 1870's the scramble for Africa began! The British and French, the two largest Western powers of the day, took the most land in Africa. Germany too took colonies...Cameroon, Tanzania, Togo and Namibia were German colonies before WWI. Even Belgium took the Congo (they actually began the Scramble for Africa after circumnaviagting the Congo River). After WWI, they would also take Rwanda and Burundi from the Germans.
I believe the correct answer is gender identity disorder.
Body Integrity Identity Disorder (BIID) describes a phenomenon in which physically healthy people feel the constant desire for an impairment of their body. In other words, they are people who want the amputation of one or more healthy limbs or who want paralysis. In some articles, this disorder is compared to gender dysphoria, studying their similarities and differences, and arriving at the conclusion that BIID may be a new type of identity disorder.