The correct answer would be C) It increases survival for cuckoos, but decreases survival of the other birds.
The host chicks often face lots of competition from the cuckoo chicks in terms of food as well as space. It makes it difficult for the host chicks to survive.
It has also been found that cuckoo chicks beg to be fed more intensely due to which host chick die due to starvation.
In addition, in some species of cuckoo, cuckoo chicks remove host eggs from the nest within few days of hatching.
As the head organ in the body which controls, monitors, supervises and influences the different organ system in the body and of the individual -characteristics, personality, traits, cognition, perception, intelligence, sensation and motor responses. The brain controls the endocrine system by its part, located somwhere in the medial temporal lobe called the hypothalamus, the master gland of the body. The hypothalamus influences every gland secretion and hormonal function that preceeds and proceeds in the body of an organism -growth, drives, sex, survival and etc.
The hypothalamus sends sgnals from the different gland organs in the body that either exhibits or inhibits the activity of that particular gland releasing hormone.
Volcanic rock-lichen-mosses-sea grasses
Lichens are complex living beings that form a symbiosis of an organism formed by a fungus and an algae or cyanobacterium. They're known for interacting with volcanic rocks. Moss is a cosmopolitan phylum of small, simple-organized, and non-vascular cryptogamous plants that typically grow in dense tufts, which are more common in humid and dark habitats. They're the ones to come after the lichens during primary succession of volcanic island environments. Marine angiosperms, also known as, sea grasses, are the flower-producing plants adapted to life in seawater that form marine meadows on the euphotic bottoms of the oceans. They install themselves on the coasts that are populated by mosses, therefore not being uncommon to see in volcanic islands.
Firstly, bacteria are prokaryotes while protists are eukaryotes. In bacteria’s there is no nucleus, however in protists there is there is a nucleus with genetic material present.
In general, more complex animals are More likely to likely have a digestive tract than to have a gastrovascular cavity
Since it is really unlikely to have a set of digestive system if you are only a single cell organism