That would be the speaker of the house
Most plantation owners took an active part in the operations of the business. Surely they found time for leisurely activities like hunting, but on a daily basis they worked as well. The distance from one plantation to the next proved to be isolating, with consequences even for the richest class.
* The Eighteenth Amendment.
* Was illegal to manufacture, sell, or transport liquors.
* Women's Christian Temperance Union.
* National Prohibition Party.
* Bargain Days.
* Prohibition was dangerous to society.
* Tainted industrial alcohol.
* Would make you'r own alcohal.
* High emorals.
* Was know lower life social field.
Vote brainliest answer
Composite volcanoes, also referred to as stratovolcanoes, is a type of volcano that has a conical shape and is composed of many hardened layers of lava, tephra, and volcanic ash. It is characterized by a high, steep shape and periodic explosive eruptions.
A characteristic feature of this type of eruption is powerful, often sudden explosions, accompanied by the release of a huge amount of tephra, forming pumice and ash streams. These eruptions are dangerous, as they occur suddenly, often without preliminary warning events.