D. Time
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I hope this helped
if ..else is the conditional statement which is used to check the condition is true or not, if the condition is true that execute the particular statement and if not it moves to else part for execution.
if condition is more than two we can use continuous if else statement
}else if(condition)
In the code:
The value of the input is 5.
first it goes to if part and check condition if 5 > 5, condition false it equal to 5 not greater than 5.
it then moves to else if part and check condition if 5 > 2, condition is true,
it execute the code inside the else if part. so, input_value become
5+10 which 15.
after that, program control terminate the if else statement it does not check further.
The answers of the following are:
1. The answer is Linux. It is not an Operating System.
2. Windows XP 2000 and Windows XP Home Edition have the same interface design.
3. Linux is the operating systems which is considered to be open source.
4. Mac OS is an operating system which is considered to be the most popular with graphic and multimedia designers
5. The software programis the number and variety of programs available for a particular operating system.
(d) a computer file that uses rows and columns to organize, analyze, store, and manipulate data
A spreadsheet program and its associated data structure (a spreadsheet) are intended to emulate the appearance of a ledger that is organized into rows and columns.