The correct answer would be C - this is a pun, or a play on words. The main character's name is Ernest, and it is pronounced the same way as "earnest", meaning "honest", a quality the main character of this play should have.
u stuip and u needs to help me out with my probably bolded bitttttcccchhhhhh
Peripeteia is my guess answer bu I cannot say I am right
Humans’ love of nature will triumph over human’s love of other humans.
Are you going to the show? i am going to be late. see you in 20 minutes.
I forgot about the show! I’ll be right there!
are you serious? where are you? it is starting.
i’m at the theater.
i don’t see you. are you in the right theater?
i think so... we’re seeing zootopia, right?
what? are you kidding? did you bring your little sister or something? why would we see that? we’re watching zoolander!
i knew that. i’m on my way right now.