lemme ask a question then i make you then you make me.
The answer is 6.666666666666667
the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.
Any sensory detail or evocation in a work is called <u>imagery.</u>
Imagery is the ability to represent objects, situations, places, ideas, or beings in our minds. We can create them thanks to the use of figurative language, in combination with our senses. Together they evoke feelings, experiences, and memories that make representations in our minds.
For example, if someone is telling a story and describing a place on it. We can picture it in our minds thanks to the words and the experiences that we had.
but Cyclops went on filling up his belly / with man flesh and great gulps of whey(C)
<u>Ithaca</u> was Odysseus homeland, odysseus and his men traveled to the Cyclops' island, because he wanted to explore more about Cyclops
Calypso tried to convince Odysseus to stay with her because she feels that that she is superior to odyssesus wife, Penelope but Odysseus says that he wants to return to Penelope because she is mortal and Calypso is immortal