p′ = x / n where x represents the number of successes and n represents the sample size. The variable p′ is the sample proportion and serves as the point estimate for the true population proportion.
Psychopathology is an area of knowledge that aims to study the psychic states related to mental suffering. It is the area of study that underlies psychiatry, whose focus is clinical.
It is a field of knowledge, a set of discourses with various objects, methods, questions: on the one hand, the biological disciplines and neurosciences are found in their bases, and on the other, they are constituted with innumerable knowledge from psychoanalysis, psychology, anthropology. , sociology, philosophy, linguistics and history.
The Church was the single most dominant institution in medieval life, its influence pervading almost every aspect of people's lives. Its religious observances gave shape to the calendar; its sacramental rituals marked important moments in an individual's life (including baptism, confirmation, marriage, the eucharist, penance, holy orders and the last rites); and its teachings underpinned mainstream beliefs about ethics, the meaning of life and the afterlife.
Answer: Construct validity
Construct validity is the degree to which a test is done to measure what it claims. Construct validity defines how well the test or experiment actually measures its claims and whether the operational definition of the variable reflect the true theoretical meaning of the concept being illustrated.
The psychologist develops a questionnaire that is designed to study the variable of self-esteem and then conducts different studies to investigate the differences between people who had low scores on sled esteem and the people who had high score on self esteem. The reason for this was to get an accurate method of measuring self esteem. This means the psychologist wants to establish construct validity.
The executive branch is responsible for enforcing the statutes enacted by the legislative branch.