Through the matter of efficiency, businesses and organizations have developed ways to make life more convenient for consumers. From fast-food restaurants to online classes, life is much easier than it was 50 years ago. Through efficiency people can have what they want, when they want, and the quickest way possible.
Hopes this helps! ∪ω∪
The RR technique or the Randomized Response can be used to help ensure that individuals answer sensitive or self-incriminating questions honestly. It is developed by Warner (1965), which aims to eliminate or at least minimize non-response and dishonest answering by survey respondents. This is accomplished by separating the response from the respondent by introducing a controlled measure of chance or uncertainty, which amounts to randomization of the answering process. This protects the identity of the respondents, at the cost of introducing a degree of uncertainty into the responses.
Government would be the answer youre looking for hope this helps you!!!
Answer: <em>Phenakistoscope</em>
The phenakistoscope is referred as the first animation device that was known to create fluid illusions of motions. It is also regarded as one of the first type of motion media entertainment which later paved the road for future motion film and picture industry. example a GIF. It was introduced in Le Figaro, a French newspaper, the term was derived from the Greek word <em>phenakisticos</em> meaning to deceive.